Four Generations | Elkhart, IN Extended Family Session

Four generations of Wilkerson women gathering at Great Grandma’s house. Great Grandma meeting her first great grandchild, baby Celine, for the first time. One flying in from Texas. Two flying in from Virginia. Sarah, the granddaughter contacting me for this session, said that her mom really wanted a picture of all of them together during their visit. She suggested JC Penny. Sarah knew there was a way better option out there if she’d give her a chance to look. She mentioned how her grandma’s house in Indiana had the best memories associated with it. She mentioned how well her grandma is doing at her age. She was really hoping someone could just come to the house and take casual pictures of them all β€œjust hanging out”.

I feel like Chandler Bing.. Could I BE any better suited for this type of session?

This group was supposed to get together at Christmas and couldn’t. I bet you can guess why. I know it was a bummer for them, but I almost think it worked out for the better. Now they have all these pictures to remind them of their trip and their wonderful family. They have a film showcasing all these special relationships. I think it was worth the wait (although, you’d probably really have to ask Sarah. Her flight from Chicago was cancelled due to the snow storm that day and they almost didn’t make it! They even cancelled me, but then called back a few hours later with a Hail Mary kind of plan. It worked!) Even though they were tired, they laughed and laughed and laughed. Never underestimate the entertaining power of a 7 month old in a room full of relatives!

As I mentioned before, hearing Sarah speak about the things she hoped to capture during their extended family photography session caused me to just beam. Everything she was saying was lighting me up. Maybe it’s because my mind already goes right to thinking about Family Films, but I just don’t think there is a better way to do it. I could already feel how special it would be to have Great Grandma’s voice, her mannerisms and her laughter on film. Seeing the house that held so many memories on a modern home video… that is something that will only get more precious over time.

Filming Life Academy’s year-long ArtHouse project this year is called Rewind. We are to create a film using old footage. It’s a huge undertaking. I’ve been watching bits of old family videos here and there. I have found myself watching them and caring much more about seeing my grandparents and parents than seeing myself as a child. There’s just something about hearing their voices, watching them move. Most of the time the film clip changes pretty quickly from them. I just have a few seconds here, a few seconds there.

Wishing I had longer videos of my grandparents and parents was very much in my mind when I photographed and filmed this family. I let the tape roll, technique be darned, because I knew a little shaky footage would be overlooked with something so meaningful.

What a treasure.

If you really want to light me up inside, request information about a family session like this. I would love to take these photographs for your family. I know what an irreplaceable treasure this type of thing is. It would be my honor.


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