Woman sitting, looking at wall-mounted photos.
Person holding a framed family photo.
Smiling woman with glasses holding a camera.
Child and adult playing on a carpeted floor.

THE blog

Assorted photos and camera on a table.
family documentary session example

Featured Session: The Franke Family Documentary Session

Life with littles is just plain hard sometimes.

My prayer for this film as it goes out to this family in the thick of it, is that they can watch it in quiet moments and appreciate the beauty that’s being buried in all that busy business of keeping babies alive and fed.


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to your heart’s desire.

Beach, Children, Family, Lifestyle Lindsey DeCicco Beach, Children, Family, Lifestyle Lindsey DeCicco

Family Pictures on the Sandy Shore | Mishawaka Family Photographer

When you really love the beach look for your family photos, but you don’t want to travel the hour to Lake Michigan, I have got you covered. Right here in Mishawaka, we have the most lovely, perfect place for family pictures… if you don’t mind a short, beautiful hike. The sand, water and grasses are the perfect backdrop for pictures of you, your littles, or your bigs. Your kids might even get to see a deer, swing on a rope swing or skip some rocks.

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Model Call | Saugatuck Family Film at Grandma and Paw Paw's

Join Holland and River at Grandma and Paw Paw's House in Saugatuck, MI. This family film captures all of the Rowe's favorite things: fishing, boating, swimming and getting their daily Dairy Dayz fix at their favorite place to be in summer- beautiful Saugatuck.

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