Model Call | Saugatuck Family Film at Grandma and Paw Paw's
This is the second of two of the Michigan Vacation Model Call winners for a family film. (You can find the first one here.) It was very easy to pick Allison because she had such amazing things to say about their summers spent at Grandma and Paw Paw’s house in Saugatuck, MI. Read this and tell me you wouldn’t want to come along for some fun.
We enjoy spending time in Michigan in the summers swimming and boating at Grandma and Paw Paw’s, riding the golf cart to Dairy Dayz ice cream, and going to downtown Saugatuck or Holland to shop around. We are finally making our way out of the trenches! We are all sleeping through the night and our kids are becoming more independent. Two and Six are such fun ages. River is really starting to talk. I want to bottle up his little voice and keep it forever! I’ve enjoyed every stage of parenthood, but this is my favorite so far.
This mom is speaking my language. These family films are created for you so you can remember a certain or favorite stage in parenting in a more vivid way than you would be otherwise able to.

Holland has a love for music and dancing (as you’ll soon find out) and like most kids her age, likes to watch YouTube. You’ll see proof of that later, too!
River loves snuggles, his daddy and loves to dance along to his favorite songs, as well. So. Cute.

Enjoy their time together at Goshorn Lake, right over the dune from Lake Michigan. I particularly love Grandma’s laugh. I want to move in!