Woman sitting, looking at wall-mounted photos.
Person holding a framed family photo.
Smiling woman with glasses holding a camera.
Child and adult playing on a carpeted floor.

THE blog

Assorted photos and camera on a table.
family documentary session example

Featured Session: The Franke Family Documentary Session

Life with littles is just plain hard sometimes.

My prayer for this film as it goes out to this family in the thick of it, is that they can watch it in quiet moments and appreciate the beauty that’s being buried in all that busy business of keeping babies alive and fed.


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to your heart’s desire.

A Moving Portrait by the Creekside | Franke Family Film and Photo Session, Cincinnati, OH

A heartwarming and intimate creekside family film and photo session in Cincinnati, OH. Capturing the fleeting, beautiful chaos of raising young children.

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Lindsey DeCicco Lindsey DeCicco

Video: The Best Way to Record Memory

Clients that hire me for videography know the value that it brings. What I aim to do with each photo and video session I’m hired for is profound: add to your family’s record. I hope that you will thumb through and pour over your photos over and over again for years to come. I don’t stop there, though. Adding a recording of your family in video format takes a good thing and makes it great.

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Family Photographer and Filmmaker | A Family Film + Photo Session at the Apple Orchard, Dayton, OH

Justin and Christa are in the boss-baby stage of life: their schedule, their needs, and their wants have to fit into the hectic neediness of raising young children. With a 3 year old and an 8 month old and two demanding careers, the family time is what you make it.

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Lindsey DeCicco Lindsey DeCicco

Modern Home Videos | Indiana Family Filmmaker and Photographer

It was our combined birthday party. I think I was turning 10 or 11, so my sister was turning 8 or 9. Dad borrowed the video camera from his friend for a week or two. There were 10 of us running around our backyard. We were showing off for the camera. Knock-knock jokes. Cartwheels. Dad did a goofy stop-motion of all of us disappearing and then reappearing. It was fun, and I probably remember it because there is video evidence. Otherwise, I don’t really have a memory from that party that’s not attached to the footage.

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Maternity Pictures and Video | South Bend, IN Photographer and Filmmaker

It was so fun including the whole family in this maternity session. Why not? Come to think of it, I can’t really think of any maternity sessions that I’ve seen that DO include the whole family, and I can’t think of one reason not to make this the normal.

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