Modern Home Videos | Indiana Family Filmmaker and Photographer
It was our combined birthday party. I think I was turning 10 or 11, so my sister was turning 8 or 9. Dad borrowed the video camera from his friend for a week or two. There were 10 of us running around our backyard showing off for the camera. Knock-knock jokes. Cartwheels. Dad did a goofy stop-motion of all of us disappearing and then reappearing. It was fun, and I probably remember it because there is video evidence. Otherwise, I don’t really have a memory from that party that’s not attached to the footage.
I do have one memory associated with this birthday party (or maybe another borrowed video camera day), and that is of us asking if we can go inside right away and watch it. Today we have the equivalent of taking video with our phones and playing it right back. My kids are the same way, really. I make these videos, both the short ones I share around here and longer unedited versions that only we see. They watch them constantly. My littlest guy says “I want to watch Jonah!” I still have to navigate to them, at least til he figures out the magical remote. Stumbling upon my older boys watching them instead of a show on Netflix is such a joy for me. I get it! I remember that feeling.
One of my favorite connection moments this year happened when a potential client reached out to me. I saw so much of myself in her. She said her kids love to watch their wedding video over and over even though they aren’t even in it. She puts together long videos from their year and, guess what, those are on repeat at her house, too! This is exactly how I started with video. I have been doing this for years, since Ben was a baby almost 13 years ago. It eventually morphed into these family films that I love creating for our own family and for photography clients that have also caught the video bug!
She recently sent me this text.
This is her film. I love it. So much energy and love!
Indianapolis Family Filmmaker and Photographer, Modern Home Video Session.
I know there are other people out there just like me and her. If you love the idea of having a modern home family video, but lack the know how, let me give you a super unique and precious gift that you will only love more with time. This investment grows and grows, and I can put a money back guarantee on the fact that you are going to love it more years from now than you do right away. In investing, they call that exponential growth.
And let me bring it back to my first story. I said that I remember this birthday party because of the video. Otherwise, these moments of my childhood wood be vague. I know there are certain memories and instances in our lives that we remember with extreme clarity, and not every moment needs to be recorded to be remembered. BUT, there are little bits of our lives that are preserved like a time capsule, the voices and smiles of our parents as they watch us open presents. Our grandparents at our piano recitals. Take it from me, it’s really really fun to see my parents younger and in the same stage of life as I am. It’s a treasure.
Head over to the video page and see some of the example films. If you love them, inquire today. I still have 2022 availability.
Today I want to share with you a Hocking Hills Photographer who shared a blog about the best locations in Hocking Hills State Park in Ohio. Be sure to click the link and check it out! I have always wanted to go to Hocking Hills… I hear great things!
In closing, I have a question. Would you be interested in a service from me that edits your iPhone footage together? Or that teaches you how to create iPhone films like I make with my big camera? I’m just feeling it out, because like I said, I really think there are more of us home video lovers out there. Please email me today if you have ideas.