Group Grad Photos Inspiration Post

University of Notre Dame Senior Pictures

Look here for inspiration for your upcoming ND group grad photos.

Go Early

This group chose to do photos in mid-April, which had some good benefits. We didn't have to wait for any of the locations, the ground wasn’t completely saturated with champagne yet (IYKYK), the magnolias were blooming, and the group got their pictures back before most people even scheduled their sessions. It WAS chilly though, not gonna lie.

The Money Shot

The straight-on Dome shot is the classic. It’s what you think of when you think of Notre Dame’s campus. BUT there is almost always a wait for this picture, which eats away at time that we could be shooting elsewhere. It’s the pro/con of this iconic location.

Embrace an Alternate Angle

As iconic as the centered photo is, my favorite views are from the two angled sidewalks leading toward the Main Building. If you don't HAVE to have the straight on view, you’ll wait for less time and possible get some extra shooting done around the God Quad (dome steps, different angles, multiple individual shots, etc.).

Dorm Shots

I love when I am hired by a group from the same dorm. The hand signals, sweatshirts and dorm cords are such fun unique touches on the grad photo session.

Customize Champagne Bottles

This group had personalized bottles of champagne for their graduation pictures. They didn’t actually spray these… they were saving them for graduation. But they made a SUPER cute picture, especially since they coordinated so well with their stole colors. Since this group scheduled their session early enough, sitting on the ledge in front of the Jesus sculpture wasn’t even sticky and gross yet. Bonus tip!

Celebrate Your Major

These ladies met in graduate school, spending their time at the Mendoza College of Business. For their graduate group photos, they were 100% set on doing their champagne spray and wearing the caps, gowns and hoods in front of the school. The arch was a beautiful backdrop for their β€œofficial” graduate wear, and toasting the sign just seemed right!

Have fun with it

What a great idea! This group of friends brought football jerseys to wear over their dresses for their library lawn photos. We couldn’t resist doing the Touchdown Jesus for at least one photo. I also love that this proud med student graduate wanted to take a photo combining her her undergrad experience at Notre Dame symbolized by the Golden Dome and her med school acceptance at LSU. Great idea!

More Photo Inspiration for Notre Dame Group Graduation Photos

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