A Moving Portrait by the Creekside | Franke Family Film and Photo Session, Cincinnati, OH

Life with littles is just plain hard sometimes. This beautiful young family has the joy and let’s be honest… the challenge of raising 3 children under 3. That’s right! Mama is having another baby. And as beautiful as that is, it’s probably feeling daunting.

Krystal shared with me how tired she is. She has two littles that aren’t quite verbal yet. One is waking her up all night and the other has soooo much energy. The third is growing in her body, consuming all her remaining energy and concentration. “Freaking exhausted” was how she put it. (See pic of dad yawning for proof! ha!)

All I want is to just have some simple moments to remember because as much as we are ‘wishing this time away’, I get so emotional knowing those moments are passing by.

In this film, I intentionally tried to slow down time. I slowed the pace. I used longer clips with slower moments. I used slow motion to stretch out special moments that happen too quickly for us to grasp in the moment: the wonder in the eyes of a toddler as he looks for the birds, the joy on a mom’s face when her baby giggles, the sweet little squeaks of a floppy newborn as he sucks on his paci.

When I heard this piece of music, I noticed a beat that reminded me of the tick of a clock, symbolizing the passing of time. Some clips have a blurry effect from a special lens, to reinforce the dream-like feeling of walking through life sleep deprived and hazy minded. These choices are all intentional for this specific family.

My prayer for this film as it goes out to this family in the thick of it, is that they can watch it in quiet moments and appreciate the beauty that’s being buried in all that busy business of keeping babies alive and fed.


Maternity Pictures and Video | South Bend, IN Photographer and Filmmaker


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