Family Pictures with Older Teenagers

Where are mom and dad?

If your house is anything like my house, you probably have a phone full of kid pictures, especially from when they were younger. If your house is anything like my house, you are probably in a few of those photos, here and there. If your house is anything like my house, as your kids have gotten older, they have been less enthusiastic for having their picture taken, and even less so when it’s with their parents.

Maybe your children are getting older into those teen years and you’re looking around and you’re realizing you don’t have any photos with your older child. They are getting ready to pick a college, or have a graduation party, and you don’t have as many family photos. Just because they aren’t toddlers anymore doesn't mean that this stage of life shouldn’t be documented. It’s still the last time they will be this little!

Those pictures are important. For you and for them, whether they act like it or not. Let’s take those photos.


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