A New "Field" Location in Mishawaka | Goshen Family Photographer and Film Maker
Words can’t describe my thankfulness for these people becoming a part of my little LDP family. Getting to know different members of their family and seeing them every 6 months or so for the last two years has been a highlight. I love how much she trusts me.
Case in point:
This session was at a new place (never ever shot one picture here, but driving by I just knew it was a gold mine). This session was scheduled one day after basement-flooding, creek-in-the-backyard level rainstorms. It was all of a sudden cold. And bonus! Her little girl burst into tears about halfway through the session and never quit. So while I personally would have been freaking out a little about all that work going out the window, mom at least acted totally calm. Meanwhile, Mr. Two Year Old was acting, well, two years old. Not the most cooperative age for photos, people. I can attest to that, since I have one right here next to me that acts the exact same way.
I could just sense the trust she had in me. Didn’t worry at all. Can I admit I was a smidge worried? I always am, honestly. When I get home I just hope and pray I got enough good images to make the session worth it. However, her peace during it all calmed my fears quite a bit.
Spoiler! It was totally worth it. Gahhh. So much cuteness. I love this family.
Don’t you love this little gem in Mishawaka? The fields, the fall colors, that yummy even light, all that gorgeous texture? I will definitely be shooting as many family photo sessions as I can here so I can learn every little nook and cranny. Who wants family pictures here??? Let’s do it!

See? Aren’t they just so cute? You know I can’t get through a family session without at least putting together a mini film, right? Here’s 45 seconds of cuteness.
I hope everyone is enjoying their fall. XO