Fall Family Photos at St. Patrick's Park | South Bend, IN
I’m back with another beautiful family! This bunch added a baby boy since their photos last November. Isn’t he so sweet? Since it was chilly, I hurried through this session so we didn’t have to keep him outside in the cold.
What an awesome spot for family pictures in South Bend.
St. Pat’s Park was beautiful and had just the right amount of light and texture to make fall family photos really pretty! <3
A generous little girl we passed along the way gave each of these little ladies a dollar. After that, it was very hard to keep littlest Missy’s attention. Ha! I eventually had the bright idea to ask her to put it under her shoe. It worked and we got some great pictures of her. Little stinker. I also love all the two year old faces that inevitably happen with this age. Pouts, grouchies, laughs… haha! This is such a cute family. <3

The 2021 photo season is wrapping up! Email me to schedule a 2022 Photo Session.