The Ketchum Twins at 6 Months | A Grow-With-Me Video Series
This is the second installment in the Ketchum Twins Grow-With-Me Series. They are six months old now. Last time we saw them, they were as big as the board book Dad was reading them. They sure have grown.
I love these sessions because they make the everyday beautiful. The mundane becomes magic! We simply captured the after-nap routine. Wake up, diaper changes, tandem nursing (super mom!), getting dressed and playtime. Simple, but magical. The twins also got to go outside and (briefly) enjoy their first snowfall.
My favorite clip this time is a little unconventional. I love the scene of both Mom and Dad trying to put a sock on each wiggly baby. I feel like that is such a good glimpse of parenting twins.
Their parenting is clearly such a team effort. They really knock it out of the park. Enjoy this Grow With Me video session.
All those little baby noises! Those wobbly heads! All those spit bubbles! So so sweet. Check out the pictures. I actually pressed the button at the same time little L spit up! So funny.

Lindsey DeCicco Photography serves South Bend, IN, Southwest Michigan, and beyond.