The Girton Family | Notre Dame, IN Family Pictures
Perfect fall weather. Perfect fall colors. Perfect golden hour light. This session was just about as dreamy as it gets. Notre Dame was showing off big time for a family session. The University of Notre Dame’s campus is really a great place for family pictures any time of year, but wowzah, in the fall, it’s perfect. The Girtons last had their photos taken with me back in 2016. My heart almost can’t handle the change in these kiddos. I will put a few down at the bottom of this post, so make sure to check it out. If there was ever a visual aide to mark the passage of time… this is it. Poor mama. Cry face, cry face, cry face.
Thank you, families, for stinking with this old lady for your family picture sessions. I love watching your families grow and change right along with you. It’s an honor, truly!
If you want fall photos, here is my best advice. Subscribe to my email newsletters. I don’t get spammy with them, and I always let people know when I am opening up fall bookings. My family has a zillion birthdays, anniversaries, back to school stuff, etc. I open a handful of dates, but I generally don’t do that until summer so I have a pretty good idea of what my personal fall schedule looks like and what I’ll be able to handle. Once you see that informational email, book! The middle of October is the busiest and the dates go so fast.

Let’s go back in time… so cute and little! :)