Lake Wawasee Family Film - The Bettchers
This was an inquiry that sounded more like a party. Can I come to the lake, ride the speed boat, eat some s’mores and spend time with a family that adores each other and soaks up every last second of summer?
Um. Sign me up.
Growing up on the lake makes these kind of sessions feel just like going home for me. I love spending time on and near the water.
Erica saw this family film of her husband’s cousin’s family and called me the very next day. Erica saw this as a great opportunity to remember her children’s joy for life, their ability to adapt and their love for their family. She knows that God chose her and James to be parents of “two amazing and gorgeous babies”. They are a very close family that deals with Dad’s heavy travel schedule coaching football. They have moved a lot, and so they have clung to one another. The kids are one another’s best friends.
Erica loves the ages of her children right now; their funny personalities and confidence are shining through. I noticed Colton’s kindness right away. While they were fishing, he was so encouraging and complimentary of his sister’s efforts. It warmed my heart big.
Because of so much travel, this family comes together for an uninterrupted month to spend time on the lake every year. While here, they get in as much boating, fishing, swimming and tubing as possible. They also make s’mores every night by the fire. How fun!

Grab a cold lemonade, sit back and enjoy this family film .