Family Pictures with Older Kids | Mishawaka, IN Family Photographer
Taking family pictures with older kids is just as important as it was when they were younger, but we tend to put it off and not prioritize it like we did when they were reaching baby milestones, first birthdays or beyond. I don’t know why that is… maybe it seems like they aren’t growing as fast (not true!), or that the school photo each year does the job. Maybe it is that our teens are awkward and let us know, sometimes loudly and often, how much they are not interested in it. Likely it’s that these older kids come with busy schedules and finding the time to even think about scheduling photos seems daunting. Fitting in a session between a zillion practices, music lessons, birthday parties, sleep and school sounds impossible.
Maybe I’m just talking about my own life here, I don’t know!
What I do know is that you should make the effort.
I had such a hard time culling this session. I loved every picture for a different reason, PROBABLY because these peeps are the DeCicco Family’s BFFs but also because I noticed so many little things when I stared at them frame by frame.
Mom and Adeline laugh the same, tilted head back. Adeline and Noah both look to the side when they are listening to their mom tell them what she loves about them. Caleb covers his face every time he laughs and even grabs onto mom’s sleeve when he is cracking up. Love that. Dad looks at Adeline with such big smile. Adeline and Mom both grab their fingers when they feel the inevitable discomfort in front of the camera.
The thing that was the hardest NOT to notice in all these photos was the joy. J-o-y. We all know raising kids, marriage, family is not all rainbows and sunshine. BUT when you break it down frame by frame, there is a lot of joy that’s underneath all the stress and worry of raising them. It really shines through in these pictures.
Did I tell you?! Don’t save the family pictures sessions for toddlers only. Bring those grumpy teens out for a night at the park. You won’t regret it.