Welcome Cullen | Newborn Family Videographer
There’s nothing better than a tiny new baby. Getting newborn pictures done when your wee one is still teeny tiny is such a good idea. They will never be that little again. You will never be this tired again, either! Ha! But what I love even more than newborn pictures are newborn films. Hearing those baby squeaks and cries takes you back instantly, doesn’t it? These films just flood me with emotion. It’s funny because, while I work on these, I start and stop the film a thousand times. You’d think I would become immune to the emotions. But when I watch that final playback to make sure I have all my i’s dotted and my t’s crossed, I get emotional. There is just something about having a new baby in the house.
Natalie, Tyler and their sweet boy Clive are not strangers around here. When they allowed me to come to create a little time capsule documenting the first week home with Cullen, I was so excited. Natalie admitted that before I arrived, it had not been a great day. Clive is adjusting to mom not being available whenever, where-ever, which is not an easy lesson for a toddler to learn. She mentioned that this film would be real and the difficulty of raising a toddler mixed with the newborn baby will be part of the memory associated with this film. I had a very difficult first baby and don’t have many blissful baby memories. Most of them are pure survival mode, so I totally understand her sentiment. However, I hope that now that we are a few days removed from this shoot, she can see that these moments, while difficult, are really beautiful as well. The baby blues stink! Help me lift up this new mama. She’s got her hands full, but her heart is full, too. What a gorgeous family!
This is the first installment in a Grow-With-Me Video series. We will see this family again at 6 months and then at a year. I’ll put clips from all the films together at the year mark, so we can watch Cullen grow before our eyes. I’d love for you to stick around and see it.