The Bettcher Family Film + Photos
I am so thankful when someone just gets me. Two years ago, Cara answered a model call I did for family films. She totally “got” it. Her answers were so compelling. I did her session, had a great time, and bonus! made a friend. That’s easier said than done when you’re in your mid-30’s! Since then, we have started working together on weddings and it feels like I have a coworker in a very isolating business. Yay!
The first family film session I did for this family must have convinced her that she needed to call me again, because on a freezing cold day in February, I got to go back and spend a typical afternoon with them.
This is the Family Film Story of Michael, Cara, Finn and Riggs. On the Film tab of my website you see these words:
The mundane moments of your family's life are worth recording.
These sessions offer your family a time capsule by memorializing a day, so you can relive it for years.
I truly, honestly believe that. This film will show you how a typical day in your life will translate to something beautiful when I get my hands on it. Cara kept saying “this really is such a good representation of our normal day”. Building magnablocks, spending some homeschool time learning to read, playing crazy in the basement, doing a little coloring, and calming down by reading a book on the couch is what we did, which I show you, but I also hope you see the little moments of connection, of laughter, of comfort, and of embrace. Yes, the days seem crazy when your kids are this age.. barely getting one activity going before they are off to the next one. But when I can slow it down for you, and you get to see the joy and the smiles, the way they look at you, how happy they are to have you by their side… oh that’s where it gets so good.
Thanks to this awesome family for having me return. If you want me to show you your family in a way you didn’t even know you needed to see it, call me. I have space on my calendar for these sessions til August.